Sunday, February 21, 2010

Shutter Island!!!!

Today I:

--played music for an adorable little girl's birthday party

--took Luam's class at BDC, which was bananas. I loved the combo. I think the song was called "Fast Car," by Trish, and it was kinda robotic, but with a little groove at the end. Loved it!

--I saw Shutter Island! Aaah, good movie. It was sold out, and I was sitting in literally the front row of the theater, looking up. I got used to it though, and really enjoyed the movie. It's very eerie. I highly recommend it!

1 comment:

Anton Briones said...

Yo, so, couple of things, first off, I'm obsessed with Trish, you wouldn't be able to get a complete album from her would you? I was able to find some gheettoo downloads from online but I'm pretty sure if I keep looking for bootlegs I'm gonna get a computer virus with all the shady ordeals I was trying to finagle. also.... I was checking out cara and she had some killer Adam Shenk videos....get those on your YouTube!

Btw, I'm almost done with the Out Website and I'm excited for you to check it out... we'll talk soon.