Today was great.
Slept in late.
Went and played for a benefit organized by my friend Andrea Palesh.
Proceeds went to The Breast Cancer research foundation.
Wonderful show: great performances, and choreography by Dana Foglia, Olutayo, and more
They rolled out a grand piano for me and I sang "Even So" and "Warning Shot"
and it went well! The crowd gave me some great support,
and I really enjoyed performing for them.
Sold a couple CD's, handed out some flyers, and got a few names on my mailing list
A successful showing for sure.
And I was able to be there for some friends who needed me to listen. I love bein a listening ear.
Woke up last night suddenly, feeling like I was choking.
I had some fluid in my throat, and a really horrible taste in my mouth.
It was pretty frightening. I hope that doesn't happen again.