Monday, January 31, 2011

The Asshole in my Head

The weekend has come to a close.

I spent time performing with Wobble Dance Company in Winter Follies at Spoke the Hub in Brooklyn.

The piece was great -

I also went and saw the movie The Rite, which I actually did not enjoy. But I do love going to the movies. I had some pretzel bites with cheese. YUM haha.... Too bad January is known for its BAD movies.... sigh....

Tonight I went to a show at The Duplex to check out the space for my upcoming show February 25. The show I went to was called "The Asshole in my Head," which was actually an awesome concept. One woman cabaret, but with an offstage voice that kept interrupting and singing - the voice in her head.

Looking forward to a productive week :-)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Art of Singing (in the snow)

Had a wonderful lesson today with Jennifer Hamady.

She is so wonderful - great soul and awwweesome teacher - wow, I learned alot in our session.

She has sung with Stevie Wonder, Def Leppard, Patti LaBelle, Christina Aguilera, Wyclef Jean, Babyface, Jessica Simpson, Smokey Robinson, Lee Ann Womack, Kid Rock, Usher, Cirque du Soleil, Disney, and American Idol.

I mean, really????

I was walking along today (to my lesson) 

and all of a sudden
my Ipod
------ and I realized I was singing really loudly


Today's snow was CRAZY - - -

I went deep down into BK to record some hooks for this producer
and the trains were running slow
and by the time I got there
he had left

AAAAHHHH and this snow is crazy - like blowing everywhere
He was already on the bus going home.

And then it took me about 2 hours to get home on the train.

AGGGGH finally home.



Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Calling All Hearts

Had an awesome demo session today for Miller Beer.

The producer was so nice & made me feel really comfortable.

He seemed really pleased with the turnout and said I was "as advertised"

(He had found my demo & profile through a website)


On another note, I'm obsessing over Keyshia Cole's new album, "Calling All Hearts,"

especially one song in particular called "Take Me Away" - been listening on loop!

She gets alot of crap for not being a great live singer,
which may or may not be true
BUT I think her voice sounds GREAT on records and I love the production and all the vocal arrangements

I'm into it!! Check it out :-)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Demo Session & Reality Show Placements!!

Awesome day!!

Went and took Jared Grimes today at Broadway Dance Center. It had been so long!! He's inspired me since the first year I moved to NYC and had me participate in a bunch of his Broadway Underground shows at B.B. King's in Times Square. Blessed to know him. It was a great class!

I'm called in tomorrow to sing a demo for Miller (beer). The song is All By Myself by Eric Carmen, but a contemporary soulful version. Was listening to the original though (I was only familiar with the Celine Dion version) and it sounds good...

I also got awesome news that my music has been licensed for a bunch of reality shows.... REALITY TV woo-hoo!!

Here are the shows the licensing may include:

Real World

The Challenge

Keeping up with the Kardashians

Kim & Kourtney Take New York

Bad Girls Club

Bad Girls Dating

Very exciting! Hope this is the first of many licensing / placements to come!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Bowling, rehearsals, and training...

The last few days have consisted of:

Training for Story Pirates teacher training programs ---- excited to go into schools and do some of these writing workshops through such a great organization.

Lessons - I love teaching lessons and hope to increase my student roster!

Rehearsal for a piece I'm performing in with Wobble Dance Co., choreographed by Victoria Benzinger and my boy Todd Henry. We are performing it this weekend in Brooklyn.

Went bowling with a bunch of friends the other night at Bowlmor Lanes in Midtown. So much fun, this place has awesome food & a bunch of themed rooms, each with bowling alleys. We were in the Chinatown room....

Thursday, January 20, 2011

New Songs & Good Vibes

I thoroughly enjoyed my show last night at Bitter End!

Loved the band - Evgeny on synth, Carras on sax and flute, Josh on drums, Jordan on bass, and Nick on vocals.

Did some cover snippets of Fiona, Bjork,

new songs - "Love You Too Hard" and "My Freakin' Heart" -

Also loved our arrangement of "Seed" with me on keys, Nick harmonizing with me, flute, and synth pad.

Emily King came!!!! (Amazing artist who I've been going to see for a few years now)

Here are some pictures - one with Mindee Anoff and one with Ashton Parson, who both came to the show, and were very supportive.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


It's the day of the show ya'll

Rehearsal in the morning with Nick Boddington to go over background vocals.

Picking up my suit at work. (I hope it's there)

Session with the drummer Josh Giunta,

and then FULL BAND rehearsal in Brooklyn

Evgeny Lebedev - keys
Jordan Scannella - bass
Carras Paton - sax/flute

and then hitting the Bitter End for some music and good times!

It's been snowing and wintry mixing, but I hope people still come!

I'm nervous because I'm gonna attempt a new cover and 2 new songs aaaahhhhh

Do I even know the words?

As usual, I could flop big or nail it - 

Or somewhere in between

Either way I will have fun - I love music and I love performing!!! 


Monday, January 17, 2011

Boston ALL-ASIA show

Had a really fun time tonight in Boston -
       rehearsed with Claire, my "bass-piration" and her neighbor Taylor Robinson on drums, and then we played at All-Asia in Cambridge.

Fun set at Lee Wilson's b-day bash, who killed it by the way!

My facebook friend Mason Williams came, as well as my good friend Stephen Buslovich.
My friend Eve came with her camera and took some great photos, which I can't wait to see!!

In the meantime, here are some mobile uploads of me and Claire :-)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Blue Valentine

I went and saw Blue Valentine tonight. 

Wasn't as into it as I thought I might be.

It was well acted, but didn't really keep me on the edge of my seat or anything.

Kinda depressing anyway, about a marriage ending.

Michelle Williams was pretty wonderful though, and so was Ryan Gosling.

In terms of contendors for Best Picture and what not, I of course am rooting for BLACK SWAN.

I also really liked RABBIT HOLE.

Friday, January 14, 2011


So excited, because I wrote another full song two nights ago. Which makes two full songs in two days, plus some more choruses / hooks that I came up with. Woo hoo!!!!

Went to Duane Park tonight down in Tribeca to hear my bud Ashton Parson sing. Unfortunately he only sang one song, and I missed it, but I got to hang out at the venue a little bit (Lady Gaga has been known to hang out and sing here), eat a delicious beet salad, and listen to this chick sing a couple great songs - "I Can't Make You Love Me," and "Kissing You," to name a few.

Gearing up for some auditions, rehearsals, and quick trip to Boston to play a show on Sunday.

And it's getting COLD in New York - WOW!!! FREEZING

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New song

This hasn't happened in a while, but I wrote a whole song tonight over the course of a few hours.

Completed, and happy with it.

Thats what happens when you're really *inspired* - whether it be a good feeling or bad.

Something beautiful came of it, I believe.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Reuben Williams

I saw one of the improv groups from Upright Citizens Brigade, Reuben Williams.

WOW it was hilarious!!!!! I want to go to more improv shows. It's sooo fun!!

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Late night coffee

Why would I drink coffee at 1 am??

Westway Diner with friends - bright overhead lighting, Cream of turkey, and grilled cheese...

and late night coffee....

Well, what's done is done. LOL.

Friday, January 07, 2011


Had an awesome time yesterday at Lily O'Brien's birthday party!! We went to Karaoke at the funny little Planet Rose. Had a good time with my pal Mindee & heart-to-heart with old choirboy buddy Jamie Treadwell.

I sang "I'll Make Love to You" - a good old stand by - there was also some "Whatta Man" "You Oughtta Know" "Total Eclipse of the Heart" - classics!!

Lol those couches !!!

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Sweaty yoga

Had a great class tonight at Yoga to the People tonight  ---

was gonna go do the traditional hot yoga (bikram) but it was sold out, so i went up the street to the Hot Vinyasa....

So nice..... especially in the winter - hot yoga feels great!

Had a good lesson earlier today - teaching piano to one of my students, and let me say again.

I love to teach!!

Monday, January 03, 2011

Rabbit Hole

Happy new years!! I am super psyched for 2011 and the good things to come.

I saw a movie last night that I really enjoyed - Rabbit Hole with Nicole Kidman. It's about a couple that lost their 4-year old son - and how they are dealing with grief.