Friday, April 30, 2010

My Dear Disco

Played a show tonight at Matchless in Brooklyn with "The Bloodsugars." Cool joint off the Nassau stop on the G train. I took the G train! LOL, I think it was my first or second time. Not so bad.

I went to a diner to have some food before the gig. I had the classic diner waitress, which I love. Very attentive, moves you right along, friendly, down-to-earth, smoker's voice (Hey, she might've not even been a smoker, but she had the voice, no offense on that, I like it)

We had a good set, though I lost track of my phone, and was freaking out a little bit, and finally found it later in the keyboard case, with the help of Jason's wife, who claimed she was very good at finding things. Indeed she was.

After our set was the band "My Dear Disco." Check out their Myspace and website. They were awesome. The lead singer (a girl) had a great voice, and the band was very synthy, and 80's influenced. They did an amazing cover of "All I Do" by Stevie Wonder. Pure bliss! I love that song.

And now, for shits and giggles,
a phenomenal cover of "Tik Tok" by Doll & The Kicks
This has been in my head alot today


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Shiver me timbers

My apartment is really cold tonight.

Just drank Emergen-C.

Obsessed with pretzels.

Did a kid's party at Dylan's Candy Bar. That place is cray cray!

Took Rhapsody's class tonight at Broadway Dance Center.

She is absolutely an amazing choreographer and teacher. I was drenched son! We did "Hello Good Morning" by Diddy - Dirty Money. I had a lot of fun...I've kind of removed myself a bit from the dance world, to focus on my music, but man, I love dancing so much, and never wanna give that up.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Same old sweat

I feel like sometimes the highlight of my day is bikram.
Is that lame?
I feel so good after those classes.
After sweating profusely
Next to half-naked strangers.

New website

I took a MAJOR, much-needed nap this afternoon
Therefore, I am up super late again, but going to bed soon.

Good news, my new website is launched!!

Check it out! 

Get into it! And let me know what you think

Monday, April 26, 2010

Up too late

Up too late, up too late, why am I always up too late?

You're probably tired of hearing it, and seeing my blog postings in the middle of the night.

Had a good rehearsal today with Neil & Scott for "Warning Shot," and I'm definitely looking forward to the performance, though I have lots of work to do!

Always so much to do....but it's good right? Keeping busy here...

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Saw Robbie Gil tonight at Rockwood Music Hall's new Stage 2.

It's brilliant! Similar vibe of Rockwood, but bigger, with a balcony...

I love it. Rockwood Music Hall is still probably my favorite place to see live music.....

You gotta go if you've never been!

Robbie was amazing, as always.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Love Conversation

Listening to this lovely song "Love Conversation," by Jose James, a new artist I found on Itunes. Posting it at the end of this blog.

I had a good rehearsal today with Neil, Yvonne & Nekai for the performance of "Warning Shot" at Sirens after Dark on May 8. I think it'll be hot. Got work to do though.

Took Bikram...even though I wasn't feeling the best, I found it to be a great class.

Played piano again for Alison O'Connor's midnight yoga class at Laughing Lotus. It was cool, and I said it before, but she is a great teacher. She was drawing parallels between yoga/life/improv comedy.
She is taking classes at Upright Citizens Brigade. I miss improv comedy and want to do more of it!

Friday, April 23, 2010

My Custom Van

I went and saw a great play that my friend Ruark Downey is in, called "My Custom Van," written by Michael Ian Black. It was on the Upper West Side, which was kinda random, but a cool little place called The Drilling Company Theatre.

Afterwards, I met up with Cara for the last time before she goes on her cruise ship!

We went to Lime Jungle, an awesome cheap but sit-down, really good quality Mexican restaurant. Amazing corn on the cob appetizer, quesadillas, and tacos. Afterwards, we went to Holey Cream AGAIN for ice cream.

Thursday, April 22, 2010



My day was pretty great, how was yours?

Got some errands done, getting flyers printed, sat in the park for a little bit and had some of my favorite Dunkin' Donuts blueberry iced coffee...

Tried to schedule freakin' rehearsals for my release party, and it's so hard! Everyone's schedule is so wonky, it's hard to find time that works for everybody. AAAH!!! We all so busy! But it's good. We still have time.....I have to BREATHE.... great....

I went to see my friend Lance Rubin in the play "Bloodsong of Love."

It's a spaghetti western musical, and it was really fun & funny, and there was lots of blood. In fact, the front 2 rows were a little cheaper, because they are considered "splatter zones." HAHA, they give you ponchos, and you get splattered on. Fun!!

Then we got ice cream at this place on 9th @ 50-something, by "Eatery"
It's called "Holey Cream"
Soooo good, they have amazing birthday cake ice cream

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Who are you New York?

Listening to Rufus Wainwright's new song, "Who are you New York?"
I've missed him.
He inspired me so much.
I met him one fateful night, and cried alot. 

Wow, I just had a crazy flashback to that night.
He randomly came to one of our parties at Boston Conservatory.
I was dressed up in like a weird hammer & sickle flag and rollerskates.
I met him and played it cool, and then started crying after.
I was going through some rough spots, and his music in a way had saved me.

My ex-boyfriend Trevor was consoling me while I was in tears,
and he went back to the party to get something,
and when he came back to the apartment,
Rufus was with him.
I guess he had told Rufus that there was a boy in his apartment
I was so embarrased, and kinda mortified that Rufus found out
how emotional I was.
But he was sweet, he was like "Oh I met you before," and he was headed off to a dive bar in Boston called TC's. 

I love you Rufus, and hope to meet you again.

Had a great Bikram class tonight
 It really got me right with the world.

Now listening to a new artist that I discovered on Itunes, Jose James
Wow, I just checked out his myspace and found out that he is performing
with Martha Wainwright, Rufus' sister.
The universe is winking at me.
I feel kinda emotional.
I love music.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Today, after baby music,

I went to the Engine Room Recording Studio
downtown near Wall Street
to record some songs for "The Bloodsugars"

We were the first band to record in their new studio
LOL, they were still building it, so there was stuff everywhere
But the space was really cool

Had a good time jamming with Jason Rabinowitz, Kenneth Salters, and Brendan O'Grady. 
Love those guys!

I think the tunes came out nice...We especially had a good time doing a new arrangement
for "Before the Accident"
They had a nice, bright (if slightly out of tune) Yamaha
I love playing real pianos!! 

Due to my lack of sleep, however,
I was stressing over many things,
trying to schedule rehearsals,
checking my email too much on my phone,
and being crazy.

Hopefully I can get some sleep tonight....yea yea!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Warning Shot

Rehearsed "Warning Shot" today with the fabulous Neil Schwartz (choreographer)
Worked today with Nekai & Yvonne...amazing! Love them!

Was getting a little discouraged today though.
Often I ask myself why am I doing this?
Why am I rehearsing for this show?
Paying for rehearsal spaces, etc. even though I'm not getting paid?
Money can be discouraging.
I want to make more of it.

That's all.... LOL.
Good Bikram class though.
And Westway Diner with one of my best friends, Todd.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Album is here!!!

Forgot to write in my blog yesterday......what was I thinking??

CD's have arrived!!!!

I have about 1,080 CD's in my apartment in boxes.....That's right, "Suitcases" has landed!

Today I did a show with "The Story Pirates" at the Drama Bookshop in midtown, including some songs such as "I Like to go alot to school" and "Killer Pineapples of Hawaii." HAHA.

Then I did a gig with "The Bloodsugars" in West Babylon (Long Island) at Looney Tunes record store, for Record Store Day. It was an acoustic set. There were a bunch of high school kids really into it which was cute.

I went to my friend's play tonight in Queens, "Vampire Lesbians of Sodom," a Charles Busch play. So funny!! I was "tee-hee"-ing a whole lot! Afterwards, we went to the diner and I got down with some pancakes, eggs, and sausage. Yeeeee-ah!!!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Audition & Exhaustion

What a long week...
Played for day #2 of auditions for this Motown review...
Loved those girls!

Had a great meeting with Janet today of Redwood Entertainment
I get a great business yet motherly vibe from her.

Auditioned for a Michael Jackson revue that I was recommended for. 
They said it wasn't gonna work for this show.
Auditions can be so frustrating because you rarely get much feedback.
You have no idea sometimes what they are looking for,
and if you missed the mark, or don't have the right look, or what is going on in their heads.
But you have to keep your head up, and develop a thick skin.
But can that really be developed?
I will probably always be the sensitive artist / perfectionist that I am,
but will hopefully learn more and more how to deal with rejection, criticism, & hearing the word "No."

Played tonight at "Bowery Electric" with "The Bloodsugars." 
That place is freakin cool!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Man in the Mirror

Going over material for a "Bloodsugars" show tomorrow at Bowery Electric (8 pm)
Auditioning tomorrow for a Michael Jackson show
Singing "My Cherie Amour" and maybe "Man in the Mirror"
Woke up at 6:15 am!!!  What????
Went to Long Island with "The Story Pirates" to do a school show...
Rode the LIRR for the first time

Played for rehearsals for a motown show that my friend Melvin Bell is directing
These girls are pretty fierce....with their shoo-wop's
Songs like "Please Mr. Postman," "Baby Love," "Be My Baby" etc.....
So great!! I love Motown!

Someone scammed me today....I was carrying a keyboard back from the Story Pirates gig
Someone offered to help me through the security gate in the subway station
I assumed he was an MTA employee
He held the door, and took my card to run through the turnstyle
He gave it back to me through the gate
I had NO idea till later that he switched my unlimited monthly card for a bogus card
AAHHH, guess I learned my lesson

So be careful! Don't trust everyone.
I'm no dummy, he was pretty slick.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Long days / early mornings

Long day today
Early mornings
Singing for babies
Rehearsing with the Story Pirates
Feeling like I'm getting a little sick
Tangerine Emergen-C

I have to get up around 6 am tomorrow. AAAHH!!!

Time to sleeeeep....

Waterfalls & streams

Listening to the sounds of waterfalls and streams
Trying to relax before falling asleep

Amazing Bikram class today with Cara
Lots better than yesterday
It was Cara's first time and she did great!

Rehearsal with Story Pirates
Chicken & mushroom stir-fry
Large iced coffees
Vitamin Water
These are a few of my favorite things

Did some work tonight on my computer and now ready to crash
Haha, came across this picture of a piano house.....

Monday, April 12, 2010

Bikram / sleep / so complete

Listening to "So Complete" by Diddy / Cheri Dennis. I love Cheri Dennis, and I feel like no one knows who she is! She's been on Bad Boy for years.

Did another kid's party out in Long Island....this time we got to have a little dessert from the dessert bar haha...I had to remove myself real quick or I would have eaten everything!

I went to Bikram tonight and it was a little ROUGH......maybe from all the bbq I had yesterday.....aaaaah!!!

Going to SLEEP tonight by 1 am.....amazing for me!!! Yay!! Here's to a good week!

Check out Cheri Dennis "Portrait of Love"

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Today I had BBQ twice....yes....its true.....don't be jealous.

First, I played for a kid's birthday party in Long Island. They had some ribs, pork, cornbread, delicious mac and cheese with corn and jalapenos...excellent.

Then tonight, I went to Dinosaur BBQ to hear some friends play. Unfortunately, I had to leave before they even started playing, but I DID share some BBQ with my friend Cara (who's been delayed another week before she goes on the cruise ship). We had more ribs, mac & cheese, greens, pork, cornbread, and I liked their spicy barbecue sauce. YUM!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Boom Kack

Today, with the help of my parents,

I PURGED some of the mess in my apartment! Basically, we went through piles of stuff...letters, supplies, pay stubs, old mail, pictures, CD's, etc.....and organized the shit out of my apartment! Moved some stuff around, did some cleaning......AAAHH I'm so excited to go back to my apartment. It looks great! I now have a nice computer chair, and my little work station set desk, keyboard, etc, and some more drawers to keep things organized, and a red bean bag. Tee hee, it's the little things.

I'm saying tee hee a lot these days.....tee hee...

Tonight I went to a BMI Artist Development panel, and it was so inspiring. The panelists, and the advice given, were really valuable to me.

Laurieann Gibson was there, one of my big sources of inspiration. Choreographer, motivator, she works to inspire many artists, and has worked closely with Lady Gaga for a couple years now. I met her in 2007 when I was a semifinalist on "Making the Band 4," and I got to talk to her for a minute after the panel. She asked how I was doing, and said I was amazing, and that it was only a matter of time. Man, that meant so much to me.....I love you Laurieann!

Friday, April 09, 2010


Laying in bed
In a hotel room with parents
They are sleeping
I am listening to my MASTER CD for the umpteenth time
Hope it can finally go into production tomorrow

Had a Crumbs cupcake and lovely walk with Cara Scherker, my beautiful friend and background singer who is leaving for 5 months on a cruise. Boo, I will miss her, but I think it will be a great experience for her. 

Had some dope salad and pasta with parents at Patsy's in Chelsea,
then went to the Clearview theater to see
"Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"
and it was a reallly good movie!

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Warning Shot

After doing some music for babies,
I took a walk in the park
with Neil Schwartz
We discussed "Warning Shot."
He is doing the choreography for my performance 
at the next "Sirens After Dark" show on May 8th
We are so excited!
It was so beautiful in the park!

I took Anes at Peridance
and saw a dancer
who I haven't seen in a long time
She is 20
So young,
such a great spirit.

I love Anes and his choreography
I love the music that he chooses to dance to
I love art

Wednesday, April 07, 2010


Listening to one of my favorite songs, "Parkway" by Gaelle.

I love her album, "Transient." It is so amazing.

I had a great day today at work, singing for babies, at the park with my friend and the cute little boy she nannies, getting some things done at home, and having a great Bikram class.

Now it's time to eat noodles and watch "American Idol" and then hit the sack!!

Important note.....Please Click Here and listen to the first 7 songs on my MySpace player and let me know what are your top 3 picks! I need to pick 3 songs to promote on Internet radio and such....I need your input, so let me know!

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Nap times

So I am a night owl. We probably know this...

I was so tired at work today, when I got home I napped. Then I got up to try to skype with my brother and nephews. Their internet wasn't working the best, but I did get to see my new baby nephew who was so precious.

Then I napped some moooooore....

However, after work, before my nap, I DID take the master to the printing house. Cross your fingers that the master works out, and they can duplicate and print this sucka!!

Monday, April 05, 2010


Going a little crazy here at my computer desk getting things done, emails written....

Listened to the master, and it sounds pretty good....I think it's ready to go to the printing house tomorrow, thank goodness!!

Today I got to see my friend Anton Briones (who is designing my website) in the play Limonade Tous Les Jours by Charles Mee. Great acting & great play. I love Charles Mee, who also wrote the play "Big Love," which remains one of the best shows I've seen.


At The Cell Theatre, 338 West 23rd Street, New York

To RESERVE TICKETS go to or call 212 279 4200

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Oooh lalalala....

GREAT show tonight at Pianos!!

I really had a fun time at my show tonight....I wasn't in my head too much...I enjoyed singing and playing with my band...

There was some confusion, they had too many acts playing upstairs, so we had to cut the set down to 30 minutes. We did Saturday, Still, 2 Bad 2 Do Good, Two Time, Ooh-la la la / Red Light Special medley, & Warning Shot. The guys sounded great, and it was Cara's last gig with me before she leaves...boooo....its ok, she will be back.

Next show, May 18th @ Bitter End...CD Release Party....weee!!!!

Saturday, April 03, 2010


Spring is here....

Iced coffeee......specifically Blueberry iced coffee from Dunkin' Donuts. My favorite!

I slept innnn this morning, and then got a few things done....

Went to take LaJon at BDC, and it was a good class. The twins were there (Scott & Brian Nicholson) who are two of my favorite people. They have danced for me on a couple shows. We were all wearing a white shirt and navy sweatpants. WEIRD....accidental uniform....

Went to Cara Scherker's going away gathering. (I work with her and she sings backgrounds at my shows) She will be on a cruise for 5 months, so I will miss her greatly, but she will be singing lead in the band on the ship, and I think it will be an amazing opportunity for her....

SHOW tonight @ Pianos....yay!

Friday, April 02, 2010

The Moon and the Sky

I love this song by Sade:

Trying to finish up master, ALMOST ready to take into printing...AAAGGH...

Had a long morning/afternoon of kid's music classes. Found myself very up and down again today, getting caught in negative thinking, comparing myself to other artists, etc.

However, I was able to take a walk in the park for a little bit, and it was a BEAUTIFUL day. Also made a bunch of calls to people who were able to give me some great insight, and make me feel better, including my dad. I talk on the phone alot with my mom, but it was so good to talk to my dad. He is so supportive and encouraging. I love both my parents so much. (Mom, I know you read this, may be one of the only readers. LOL)

I also had a good workout at Bally's, including going in the pool for a little bit and swimming some laps. So refreshing! I really needed it. I'll have to swim more often.

I had a rehearsal with the Bloodsugars tonight at Funkadelic, and it went well....even though in the first hour, we blew a fuse AND broke a lightbulb....hahahahahaa...I love playing with those guys so much: Brendan, Kenneth, and Jason. They are good people.

Tomorrow's another day. I hope I can stay strong, and never stop growing.

Thursday, April 01, 2010


Thank goodness for Sade when you're feeling crazy!!

This is like the calmest music ever!!

Tried it!!!!


What a rollercoaster day.

I had therapy this afternoon, which is like my happy place. So appreciative for a good therapist.

Had rehearsal tonight at AM studios, which went pretty well. Interesting set-up. Keys, backgrounds, cajon, sax/flute, and guitar.

Went to Craig Derry's vocal class and saw Erin Christine, which is always good. She is working it. We both performed, and I sang Warning Shot which was fun, and Erin sang a new song which was awesome!

BUT, I am having problems with the the "Suitcases" master CD. and I am really hoping we can figure this out SOON, and it needs to be perfect, because there will be 1000 copies printed.

EEGGGGH, cross ya fingers for me!